電鍋陳年老垢怎麼清?試試便宜又環保的檸檬酸!How to clean steam cooker? Try using cheap and eco-friendly citric acid[懶廚實驗室]
懶廚 Lazy Chef
電鍋陳年老垢怎麼清?試試便宜又環保的檸檬酸!How to clean steam cooker? Try using cheap and eco-friendly citric acid[懶廚實驗室]
期間限定的秋季湯品-柚子雞湯 + 快速剝柚子的方法 | Pomelo Chicken Soup and Pomelo Peeling Method [懶廚甘單煮]
懶廚 Lazy Chef
期間限定的秋季湯品-柚子雞湯 + 快速剝柚子的方法 | Pomelo Chicken Soup and Pomelo Peeling Method [懶廚甘單煮]
微波?烤箱?電鍋?三種焦糖布丁的做法一次大公開!Microwave Pudding, Baked Pudding and Steamed Pudding [懶廚實驗室]
懶廚 Lazy Chef
微波?烤箱?電鍋?三種焦糖布丁的做法一次大公開!Microwave Pudding, Baked Pudding and Steamed Pudding [懶廚實驗室]
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懶廚 Lazy Chef
快速自製培根!懶廚教你怎麼自製天然無防腐劑的培根 + 黃金培根炒飯 | Homemade Bacon & Fried Rice with Bacon and Egg [懶廚甘單煮]
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懶廚 Lazy Chef
10分鐘簡單做出美味脆皮的冰花煎餃!一鍋到底零失敗!| Japanese Fried Dumplings [懶廚甘單煮]
微波蒸蛋也能美美的!? 蒸蛋技巧大公開! 微波蒸蛋PK電鍋蒸蛋 | Microwave Steamed Egg & Rice Cooker Steamed Egg [懶廚實驗室]
懶廚 Lazy Chef
微波蒸蛋也能美美的!? 蒸蛋技巧大公開! 微波蒸蛋PK電鍋蒸蛋 | Microwave Steamed Egg & Rice Cooker Steamed Egg [懶廚實驗室]
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懶廚 Lazy Chef
原來鐵鍋不沾要這樣做!煎蛋實驗一次看, 沒有鐵氟龍最安心 | The Best Way to Fry an Egg Without Sticking [懶廚實驗室]
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懶廚 Lazy Chef
滾水? 冷水? 水餃這樣煮就對了! 四種常見煮法 科學大PK | The Best Way to Cook Dumplings [懶廚實驗室]