【1.6km】2段重ねの地下区間 複雑な工程が生んだカオスな構造 工事中の模様も全解説|小田急小田原線東北沢駅・下北沢駅・世田谷代田駅【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【1.6km】2段重ねの地下区間 複雑な工程が生んだカオスな構造 工事中の模様も全解説|小田急小田原線東北沢駅・下北沢駅・世田谷代田駅【Takagi Railway】
【壮大】大手私鉄の複々線化 構想→実現50年超え 追加された工区の謎 水と卵の物語|小田急小田原線連続立体化・複々線化事業【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【壮大】大手私鉄の複々線化 構想→実現50年超え 追加された工区の謎 水と卵の物語|小田急小田原線連続立体化・複々線化事業【Takagi Railway】
【なぜ?】大手私鉄の1区間の謎 増えない線路と完了済(仮)工事 懐かし映像大放出 次なる変化とは|小田急小田原線登戸駅・向ヶ丘遊園駅【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【なぜ?】大手私鉄の1区間の謎 増えない線路と完了済(仮)工事 懐かし映像大放出 次なる変化とは|小田急小田原線登戸駅・向ヶ丘遊園駅【Takagi Railway】
【神展開】衰退路線の終点が変わる 残る○○を支える人海戦術とは|旧名鉄谷汲線・秋の谷汲駅2024【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【神展開】衰退路線の終点が変わる 残る○○を支える人海戦術とは|旧名鉄谷汲線・秋の谷汲駅2024【Takagi Railway】
【4K鉄道動画】旧名鉄谷汲線沿線・車両詰め合わせその2|北野畑駅~谷汲駅・保存車両【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【4K鉄道動画】旧名鉄谷汲線沿線・車両詰め合わせその2|北野畑駅~谷汲駅・保存車両【Takagi Railway】
【4K鉄道動画】旧名鉄谷汲線沿線・車両詰め合わせその1|黒野駅レールパーク~北野畑駅【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【4K鉄道動画】旧名鉄谷汲線沿線・車両詰め合わせその1|黒野駅レールパーク~北野畑駅【Takagi Railway】
【4K鉄道動画】京急本線神奈川新町・子安 前面展望・列車詰め合わせ
Takagi Railway
【4K鉄道動画】京急本線神奈川新町・子安 前面展望・列車詰め合わせ
【カオス】あの大手私鉄の1区間 入り乱れる線路と複雑すぎる運用 幻の変態待避に注目|京急本線子安駅・神奈川新町駅【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【カオス】あの大手私鉄の1区間 入り乱れる線路と複雑すぎる運用 幻の変態待避に注目|京急本線子安駅・神奈川新町駅【Takagi Railway】
【4K鉄道動画】京急 神奈川新町駅・新町検車区 列車詰め合わせ
Takagi Railway
【4K鉄道動画】京急 神奈川新町駅・新町検車区 列車詰め合わせ
【カオス】衰退から復活した路線 都心延伸への執念と路線の没落 逆転のチャンスと高架化の未来とは|京成押上線【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【カオス】衰退から復活した路線 都心延伸への執念と路線の没落 逆転のチャンスと高架化の未来とは|京成押上線【Takagi Railway】
【カオス】成田空港の地下にあるカオスなホーム 誤乗車不可避の構造とは!? #shorts #成田空港
Takagi Railway
【カオス】成田空港の地下にあるカオスなホーム 誤乗車不可避の構造とは!? #shorts #成田空港
【大逆転】大手私鉄最小からの快進撃 強制イベントで迫る大ピンチと発展の歴史を全解説!!|京王電鉄【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【大逆転】大手私鉄最小からの快進撃 強制イベントで迫る大ピンチと発展の歴史を全解説!!|京王電鉄【Takagi Railway】
【壮大】微妙に離れた駅の大改造 総事業費329億円・運賃値下げ9.1% 全線巻き込む巨大プロジェクトとは|京王井の頭線渋谷駅・特定都市鉄道整備事業計画【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【壮大】微妙に離れた駅の大改造 総事業費329億円・運賃値下げ9.1% 全線巻き込む巨大プロジェクトとは|京王井の頭線渋谷駅・特定都市鉄道整備事業計画【Takagi Railway】
【カオス】日本最大の空港駅のホームドア 紆余曲折の歴史が生んだ特殊なホームドア 技術進歩で解消できない課題とは|成田空港駅・空港第2ビル駅【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【カオス】日本最大の空港駅のホームドア 紆余曲折の歴史が生んだ特殊なホームドア 技術進歩で解消できない課題とは|成田空港駅・空港第2ビル駅【Takagi Railway】
【なぜ?】東京都心に残った路面電車 2日間限定の遺構 中途半端な終点の謎 赤字路線の未来とは|都電荒川線【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【なぜ?】東京都心に残った路面電車 2日間限定の遺構 中途半端な終点の謎 赤字路線の未来とは|都電荒川線【Takagi Railway】
【4K前面展望】JR山陽本線・呉線 向洋駅・海田市駅周辺高架化区間【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【4K前面展望】JR山陽本線・呉線 向洋駅・海田市駅周辺高架化区間【Takagi Railway】
[Subbed] Elevated Construction in Japan's Railway which Remain Level Crossings...Why?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Elevated Construction in Japan's Railway which Remain Level Crossings...Why?
[Subbed] Japanese Trams Moving to 2nd Floor of Station Building: Huge Redevelopment Plan
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japanese Trams Moving to 2nd Floor of Station Building: Huge Redevelopment Plan
[Subbed] Abandoned Railway in Mountains of Japan: Preserved Trains at the End of the Line
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Abandoned Railway in Mountains of Japan: Preserved Trains at the End of the Line
[Subbed] Japan's Unique Abandoned Railway Line, 23 Years Later
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japan's Unique Abandoned Railway Line, 23 Years Later
[Subbed] Japan's 5km LRT Extension for Greater Success
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japan's 5km LRT Extension for Greater Success
[Subbed] Challenges of Japanese LRT on its 1st Anniversary: ​​What is needed to increase demand?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Challenges of Japanese LRT on its 1st Anniversary: ​​What is needed to increase demand?
[Subbed] Japan's LRT Celebrates its First Anniversary: ​​Look at Changes since its Opening
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japan's LRT Celebrates its First Anniversary: ​​Look at Changes since its Opening
[Subbed] Tokyo's Bankrupt Railway Company: disappeared in 6 Years due to Optimistic Plan
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Tokyo's Bankrupt Railway Company: disappeared in 6 Years due to Optimistic Plan
[Subbed] Two Slightly Distant Stations: Reason for 10-fold Difference in Passenger & Next Change
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Two Slightly Distant Stations: Reason for 10-fold Difference in Passenger & Next Change
[Subbed] MUNI Metro: San Francisco's Streetcars are more Advanced than Japan's
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] MUNI Metro: San Francisco's Streetcars are more Advanced than Japan's
[Subbed] Surprising History of Old & New Railway Lines: What Role Does the Old Line Play?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Surprising History of Old & New Railway Lines: What Role Does the Old Line Play?
[Subbed] Two Japanese Railway Lines with Completely Opposite Fates: After Abolition of the Line
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Two Japanese Railway Lines with Completely Opposite Fates: After Abolition of the Line
[Subbed] Inconvenient Major Station in Japan about to Elevation: Long History and Huge Development
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Inconvenient Major Station in Japan about to Elevation: Long History and Huge Development
[Subbed] San Francisco Cable Cars: Turbulent History & System Different from that of Japan
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] San Francisco Cable Cars: Turbulent History & System Different from that of Japan
[Subbed] Japan's Tourist Train Facing Abolition: Conflict of Government and Railway Company
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japan's Tourist Train Facing Abolition: Conflict of Government and Railway Company
[Subbed] Truth behind "Transfers" that is Problem for Certain Japanese Railway Company
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Truth behind "Transfers" that is Problem for Certain Japanese Railway Company
[Subbed] Tokyo Suburban Railway Facing Crisis, Bankruptcy threat in 2031, Why?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Tokyo Suburban Railway Facing Crisis, Bankruptcy threat in 2031, Why?
【壮大】日本第2(?)のLRT 路線はまさかの3つ その全貌と課題を現地映像と一緒に徹底解説!!|那覇市LRT構想【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【壮大】日本第2(?)のLRT 路線はまさかの3つ その全貌と課題を現地映像と一緒に徹底解説!!|那覇市LRT構想【Takagi Railway】
[Subbed] Unopened Station and Abandoned Station only after Three Days: What's Happened?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Unopened Station and Abandoned Station only after Three Days: What's Happened?
[Subbed] Suspension of Railway with Increasing Passenger: Unusual Schedule Changes and All Reports
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Suspension of Railway with Increasing Passenger: Unusual Schedule Changes and All Reports
[Subbed] Rare Event You Can Enter Disused Platform in Biggest Airport Station in Japan
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Rare Event You Can Enter Disused Platform in Biggest Airport Station in Japan
[Subbed] Small Station in Biggest Japanese Airport: The Day We Can Enter Closed Platform
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Small Station in Biggest Japanese Airport: The Day We Can Enter Closed Platform
[Subbed] Short-lived Railway Route in Tokyo: Unrealized Major Plan, What’s the Reason??
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Short-lived Railway Route in Tokyo: Unrealized Major Plan, What’s the Reason??
[Subbed] Station with Fewest Passengers: What's the reason ? Why did this station open?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Station with Fewest Passengers: What's the reason ? Why did this station open?
[Subbed] Station Passenger Numbers Drop by Half in Japan: What's the Reason?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Station Passenger Numbers Drop by Half in Japan: What's the Reason?
[Subbed] Station Developed in 30 Years in Japan: Its Complicated Reason and History
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Station Developed in 30 Years in Japan: Its Complicated Reason and History
[Subbed] Level Crossings remaining after Elevation: the Past, Present, and Future
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Level Crossings remaining after Elevation: the Past, Present, and Future
[Subbed] Tokyo's Most Successful Railway; Intensifying Congestion Plan with 10 Years
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Tokyo's Most Successful Railway; Intensifying Congestion Plan with 10 Years
[Subbed] Newest Transportation Route in Tokyo: Strange Situation and Future Plans
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Newest Transportation Route in Tokyo: Strange Situation and Future Plans
[Subbed] Subway Suspended for 2 days: Struggles to Realize "Passengers First"
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Subway Suspended for 2 days: Struggles to Realize "Passengers First"
[Subbed] Major Improvements to Tokyo's Subway: Stations Construction is Progressing and Canceled
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Major Improvements to Tokyo's Subway: Stations Construction is Progressing and Canceled
[Subbed] Famous Small Railway in Japan: Reasons for Legends, Traces of Tracks, Stations, and Trains
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Famous Small Railway in Japan: Reasons for Legends, Traces of Tracks, Stations, and Trains
[Subbed] Unprofitable Subway in Japan: Reason for Deficit, Rejected Extension Plan, and...?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Unprofitable Subway in Japan: Reason for Deficit, Rejected Extension Plan, and...?
[Subbed] Railway abolished after 8 years in Tokyo: Grand plan for 1.4km-long Line
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Railway abolished after 8 years in Tokyo: Grand plan for 1.4km-long Line
[Subbed] Major Changes with Extension of Japan's Railway: Redevelopment Plans
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Major Changes with Extension of Japan's Railway: Redevelopment Plans
[Subbed] Strange Elevated Construction in Japan: Huge Concept for Famous Tourist City
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Strange Elevated Construction in Japan: Huge Concept for Famous Tourist City
[Subbed] Crisis of Railway in Big City of Japan: cause of 14 billion dollars loss
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Crisis of Railway in Big City of Japan: cause of 14 billion dollars loss
[Subbed] Japanese Railway Suspended for 3 Years: Reasons for Suspension and What Happens Next?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japanese Railway Suspended for 3 Years: Reasons for Suspension and What Happens Next?
[Subbed] Next Step in Japan's Successful New LRT: Expected Timetable Revision and Worsen Congestion
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Next Step in Japan's Successful New LRT: Expected Timetable Revision and Worsen Congestion
[Subbed] Successful New Railway in Japan: Worsen Congestion and Next Construction
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Successful New Railway in Japan: Worsen Congestion and Next Construction
[Subbed] Abolition Crisis in Tokyo: Business Withdrawal and Administration Unable to Support
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Abolition Crisis in Tokyo: Business Withdrawal and Administration Unable to Support
[Subbed] Station 2 Years after Elevation in Tokyo: Complicated Processes and Traces of Construction
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Station 2 Years after Elevation in Tokyo: Complicated Processes and Traces of Construction
[Subbed] Final Phase of Big Station in Japan, Quadrupling of Routes and Its Facilities
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Final Phase of Big Station in Japan, Quadrupling of Routes and Its Facilities
[Subbed] Issues with Station Closest to Airport in Japan: Increasing Passengers and New Line Plan
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Issues with Station Closest to Airport in Japan: Increasing Passengers and New Line Plan
[Subbed] Newest Station in Tokyo Opened Four Years Ago: Big Change One Year Later
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Newest Station in Tokyo Opened Four Years Ago: Big Change One Year Later
[Subbed] Changing Railways in a Big City in Japan: What's happening there?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Changing Railways in a Big City in Japan: What's happening there?
Takagi Railway
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Small Station with Increasing Passengers: Rare Equipment and Increasing Troubles
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Small Station with Increasing Passengers: Rare Equipment and Increasing Troubles
[Subbed] Changing Major Station: Two Times of Modification and their Traces
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Changing Major Station: Two Times of Modification and their Traces
[Subbed] Railway Line with Less Presence in Japan: Future with Fewer Passengers and Cargo
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Railway Line with Less Presence in Japan: Future with Fewer Passengers and Cargo
[Subbed] Paid Seat Reservation Train Fails in Tokyo: Reasons for Failure and Future Plans
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Paid Seat Reservation Train Fails in Tokyo: Reasons for Failure and Future Plans
[Subbed] Big Sta 30m Underground: History and Mysterious Structure, Atrium and Mysterious Egg
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Big Sta 30m Underground: History and Mysterious Structure, Atrium and Mysterious Egg
[Subbed] One of Busiest Stations in Tokyo: Few Tracks and Narrow Platform
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] One of Busiest Stations in Tokyo: Few Tracks and Narrow Platform
[Subbed] Past of Disappeared Railway in Central Tokyo: Changing Routes & Direct Connection Plans
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Past of Disappeared Railway in Central Tokyo: Changing Routes & Direct Connection Plans
[Subbed] Limited Express Trains with Many Features in Japan's Local Railway
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Limited Express Trains with Many Features in Japan's Local Railway
[Subbed] Special Trains of Local Railway in Japan; History, How to Ride, and Scenes [4K]
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Special Trains of Local Railway in Japan; History, How to Ride, and Scenes [4K]
[Subbed] Back of Retrofitted Station in Japan: Short Design Period and its Features
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Back of Retrofitted Station in Japan: Short Design Period and its Features
【超展開】JRが自治体に敗北!? 異例すぎるダイヤ改正とは #shorts #京葉線
Takagi Railway
【超展開】JRが自治体に敗北!? 異例すぎるダイヤ改正とは #shorts #京葉線
[Subbed] 5 Stations Project in Tokyo: What's the Unexpected Issues after Opening?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] 5 Stations Project in Tokyo: What's the Unexpected Issues after Opening?
[Subbed] Large-Scale Investment in Japanese Railway: Platform Doors, Security Cams, etc...
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Large-Scale Investment in Japanese Railway: Platform Doors, Security Cams, etc...
【なぜ?】都心の駅が2年足らずで廃止! その理由と痕跡とは? #shorts #銀座線
Takagi Railway
【なぜ?】都心の駅が2年足らずで廃止! その理由と痕跡とは? #shorts #銀座線
[Subbed] Devided Two Lines in Japan: The history and Difference of the Same Line
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Devided Two Lines in Japan: The history and Difference of the Same Line
【怪奇】全区間(81.3km)座席が逆向き! その理由とは? #shorts
Takagi Railway
【怪奇】全区間(81.3km)座席が逆向き! その理由とは? #shorts
【意外】あの乗換駅が描いた2つの構想 開業直後の突貫工事と謎カーブ 余ったトンネルの野望とは|八丁堀駅(東京メトロ日比谷線・JR京葉線)【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【意外】あの乗換駅が描いた2つの構想 開業直後の突貫工事と謎カーブ 余ったトンネルの野望とは|八丁堀駅(東京メトロ日比谷線・JR京葉線)【Takagi Railway】
【衰退】利便性向上で没落した駅 幹線の面影と街中に潜む廃線 消滅したもう1つの廃線|下土狩駅(JR御殿場線)、伊豆箱根鉄道駿豆線・軌道線【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【衰退】利便性向上で没落した駅 幹線の面影と街中に潜む廃線 消滅したもう1つの廃線|下土狩駅(JR御殿場線)、伊豆箱根鉄道駿豆線・軌道線【Takagi Railway】
[Subbed] Smallest Station in Central Tokyo: Unfulfilled Plans and New Plans
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Smallest Station in Central Tokyo: Unfulfilled Plans and New Plans
[Subbed] 589m Extension Plan in Japan's Railway: Big Problem since its Opening
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] 589m Extension Plan in Japan's Railway: Big Problem since its Opening
[Subbed] Strange-Shaped Subway in Japan: History of Route Changing and Reason for the Method
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Strange-Shaped Subway in Japan: History of Route Changing and Reason for the Method
[Subbed] Most Famous Commuter Train in Japan nowadays...What's happed?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Most Famous Commuter Train in Japan nowadays...What's happed?
[Subbed] Section Express Trains Stop at Each Station: 3 Different Stations and Reason
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Section Express Trains Stop at Each Station: 3 Different Stations and Reason
[Subbed] New Evening Ltd. Exp. in Japan: Changed System, New Vehicle, and...?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] New Evening Ltd. Exp. in Japan: Changed System, New Vehicle, and...?
【壮大】目立たず進む巨大鉄道工事 工事費が割高になった超単純な理由 仮設通路に隠された工事の裏技とは|西武新宿線地下化(新井薬師前・沼袋)【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【壮大】目立たず進む巨大鉄道工事 工事費が割高になった超単純な理由 仮設通路に隠された工事の裏技とは|西武新宿線地下化(新井薬師前・沼袋)【Takagi Railway】
[Subbed] Japan's Special Double Track Section: Mystery of tracks and Two Stations
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Japan's Special Double Track Section: Mystery of tracks and Two Stations
【8番出口】怖すぎる「あの駅」は実在する!? 話題のネタと裏側に迫る! #shorts #8番出口
Takagi Railway
【8番出口】怖すぎる「あの駅」は実在する!? 話題のネタと裏側に迫る! #shorts #8番出口
【意味不明】新線開業→交通空白地帯 謎現象の理由と税金投入の対応策 増える路線の未来|ちぃばす(東京都港区コミュニティバス)【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【意味不明】新線開業→交通空白地帯 謎現象の理由と税金投入の対応策 増える路線の未来|ちぃばす(東京都港区コミュニティバス)【Takagi Railway】
【疑惑】絶賛進行中のあの高架化工事 線路を覆う巨大高架 増える工事費と延びる工期 まさかの疑惑とは ~ 東村山駅(西武新宿線・国分寺線・西武園線)【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【疑惑】絶賛進行中のあの高架化工事 線路を覆う巨大高架 増える工事費と延びる工期 まさかの疑惑とは ~ 東村山駅(西武新宿線・国分寺線・西武園線)【Takagi Railway】
【意味不明】意外すぎる理由で運休になった路線、何があった!? #shorts
Takagi Railway
【意味不明】意外すぎる理由で運休になった路線、何があった!? #shorts
【神発想】あの大プロジェクトが完了 工事が遅れた原因と、20億円の費用を270万円に減らした神アイデアとは|都営浅草線ホームドア整備【Takagi Railway】
Takagi Railway
【神発想】あの大プロジェクトが完了 工事が遅れた原因と、20億円の費用を270万円に減らした神アイデアとは|都営浅草線ホームドア整備【Takagi Railway】
[Subbed] Fatal Flaw in Tokyo's Railway Bridge: Unexpected Incident after Completion
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Fatal Flaw in Tokyo's Railway Bridge: Unexpected Incident after Completion
【再開】ついに全線復旧したあの路線、まだ残る課題とは...? #shorts #小湊鐵道
Takagi Railway
【再開】ついに全線復旧したあの路線、まだ残る課題とは...? #shorts #小湊鐵道
[Subbed] 7.5mi Problem Route: Why Hundreds of Thousands of People are in Trouble?
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] 7.5mi Problem Route: Why Hundreds of Thousands of People are in Trouble?
[Subbed] Reality of Popular "Japanese Shinkansen”: Complex system and rising vehicle prices
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Reality of Popular "Japanese Shinkansen”: Complex system and rising vehicle prices
[Subbed] Unfortunate Branch Line: Rason for Slow Speed and Line Separation
Takagi Railway
[Subbed] Unfortunate Branch Line: Rason for Slow Speed and Line Separation