蕃茄濃湯貝殼麵2046(義大利貝殼麵) Conchiglie Pasta in Creamy Tomato Soup營養又健康家常麵.義大利麵口感Q彈有嚼勁nutritious and healthy
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蕃茄濃湯貝殼麵2046(義大利貝殼麵) Conchiglie Pasta in Creamy Tomato Soup營養又健康家常麵.義大利麵口感Q彈有嚼勁nutritious and healthy
養生補氣雞湯(人蔘)Therapeutic vitalising Chicken Soup(Ginseng)2052雞湯超美味、又香又補氣super delicious, tasty可改為素食一樣美味
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養生補氣雞湯(人蔘)Therapeutic vitalising Chicken Soup(Ginseng)2052雞湯超美味、又香又補氣super delicious, tasty可改為素食一樣美味
絲瓜肉絲麵線2051Thin Noodles in Loofah(Chinese Squash) and Shredded Pork清甜的口感.含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素.纖維..sweet taste..
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絲瓜肉絲麵線2051Thin Noodles in Loofah(Chinese Squash) and Shredded Pork清甜的口感.含有豐富的胡蘿蔔素.纖維..sweet taste..
番茄起司炒蛋2050Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes and Cheese經典美味不一樣的蕃茄炒蛋加起司別有一番風味A different kind of Scrambled
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番茄起司炒蛋2050Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes and Cheese經典美味不一樣的蕃茄炒蛋加起司別有一番風味A different kind of Scrambled
熔岩巧克力蛋糕(心太軟)(氣炸鍋版+烤箱版)2049(air fryer version +oven version)Molten Chocolate Cake (very soft-hearted)
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熔岩巧克力蛋糕(心太軟)(氣炸鍋版+烤箱版)2049(air fryer version +oven version)Molten Chocolate Cake (very soft-hearted)
13香烤脆皮雞翅(脆皮雞翅)(氣炸鍋版)2048..13 Spice Seasoning Grilled Crispy Chicken Wings (Air Fryer Version)皮脆.香氣四溢
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13香烤脆皮雞翅(脆皮雞翅)(氣炸鍋版)2048..13 Spice Seasoning Grilled Crispy Chicken Wings (Air Fryer Version)皮脆.香氣四溢
蕃茄濃湯2023Creamy Tomato Soup浪漫的花紋健康營養的食材豐富你多采多姿的早餐Romantic pattern.Healthy and nutritious ingredients
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蕃茄濃湯2023Creamy Tomato Soup浪漫的花紋健康營養的食材豐富你多采多姿的早餐Romantic pattern.Healthy and nutritious ingredients
脆皮嫩豆腐(氣炸鍋版) 2047 Crispy Tender Tofu(Air fryer version) 用氣炸鍋製作.乾淨簡單.不油膩.清爽.美味可口The skin is crispy
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脆皮嫩豆腐(氣炸鍋版) 2047 Crispy Tender Tofu(Air fryer version) 用氣炸鍋製作.乾淨簡單.不油膩.清爽.美味可口The skin is crispy
和牛秋葵捲2027 Wagyu Okra Roll營養又健康的美食製作簡單容易.幾分鐘就可以完成.Nutritious and healthy meal.Simple and easy to make
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和牛秋葵捲2027 Wagyu Okra Roll營養又健康的美食製作簡單容易.幾分鐘就可以完成.Nutritious and healthy meal.Simple and easy to make
養生蓮藕雞湯2019Herbal Chicken Soup with Lotus Root健康的湯品明目養顏清甜爽口是容易上手的家常菜healthy soup dish.good for your
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養生蓮藕雞湯2019Herbal Chicken Soup with Lotus Root健康的湯品明目養顏清甜爽口是容易上手的家常菜healthy soup dish.good for your
巴斯克乳酪蛋糕(氣炸鍋版).2045.Basque Cheesecake (cheese)Cake使用氣炸鍋烤 巴斯克乳酪(芝士)蛋糕.好吃.簡單.容易上手Made with an Air Fryer
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巴斯克乳酪蛋糕(氣炸鍋版).2045.Basque Cheesecake (cheese)Cake使用氣炸鍋烤 巴斯克乳酪(芝士)蛋糕.好吃.簡單.容易上手Made with an Air Fryer
輕乳酪蛋糕2038Light Cheesecake轻乳酪蛋糕Pastel de queso ligero,,,口感綿密.吃了之後讚不絕口.再配上一杯濃郁香醇的咖啡.真是美好的下午茶套餐.
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輕乳酪蛋糕2038Light Cheesecake轻乳酪蛋糕Pastel de queso ligero,,,口感綿密.吃了之後讚不絕口.再配上一杯濃郁香醇的咖啡.真是美好的下午茶套餐.
蚵仔煎2040. Pan Fried Oyster台湾夜市小吃蚵仔煎Taiwanese Night Market Snacks Pan-Fried Oyster自己動手做.真材實料真好吃
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蚵仔煎2040. Pan Fried Oyster台湾夜市小吃蚵仔煎Taiwanese Night Market Snacks Pan-Fried Oyster自己動手做.真材實料真好吃
(滷豬腳)(電鍋版) 梅酒滷豬腳.Q彈 2043 (Braised pork feet)BRAISED PORK KNUCKLE IN PLUM WINE(springy, soft, elastic
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(滷豬腳)(電鍋版) 梅酒滷豬腳.Q彈 2043 (Braised pork feet)BRAISED PORK KNUCKLE IN PLUM WINE(springy, soft, elastic
香煎新鮮干貝.2042 Pan fried fresh scallop,,是宴客的好料理好吃又好看,,delicious beautiful and easy to cook.
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香煎新鮮干貝.2042 Pan fried fresh scallop,,是宴客的好料理好吃又好看,,delicious beautiful and easy to cook.
蔥油雞2041 Chicken with Scallion in Hot Oil ..制作简单是宴客常见的中华料理 . It is simple to make
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蔥油雞2041 Chicken with Scallion in Hot Oil ..制作简单是宴客常见的中华料理 . It is simple to make
焗烤起司龍蝦2036 Baked Cheese Lobster,,是宴客的好料理,好吃又好看 delicious beautiful and easy to cook
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焗烤起司龍蝦2036 Baked Cheese Lobster,,是宴客的好料理,好吃又好看 delicious beautiful and easy to cook
烤新鮮青邊鮑魚2033 -1,Grilled Fresh Greenlip Abalone是宴客的好料理好吃又好看  delicious beautiful and easy to cook
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烤新鮮青邊鮑魚2033 -1,Grilled Fresh Greenlip Abalone是宴客的好料理好吃又好看 delicious beautiful and easy to cook
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香菇红烧肉,五花肉加香菇加白萝卜慢火炖煮真香甜永远的家常菜Slowly simmer pork belly with dried Shiitake mushrooms and white radish
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香菇红烧肉,五花肉加香菇加白萝卜慢火炖煮真香甜永远的家常菜Slowly simmer pork belly with dried Shiitake mushrooms and white radish
养生紫菜汤Health Seaweed Soup素食者喜愛營養健康A nutritious and healthy vegetable soup that is loved by Vegetarian
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养生紫菜汤Health Seaweed Soup素食者喜愛營養健康A nutritious and healthy vegetable soup that is loved by Vegetarian
蘿蔔糕(電鍋版)是一種家常食品(用電鍋製作蘿蔔糕的方法輕鬆又簡單)煎或是蒸熟沾一點醬油太美味了也可做成素食Radish Cake (Turnip Cake) It is a homemade food
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蘿蔔糕(電鍋版)是一種家常食品(用電鍋製作蘿蔔糕的方法輕鬆又簡單)煎或是蒸熟沾一點醬油太美味了也可做成素食Radish Cake (Turnip Cake) It is a homemade food
紅燒滷肉(電鍋版)加上薑汁氣泡水不一樣的滷肉做出香噴噴軟嫩滑口的美食配上一碗熱熱的白飯真是美味Braised Pork Belly.Soft tender, smooth, and fragrant.
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紅燒滷肉(電鍋版)加上薑汁氣泡水不一樣的滷肉做出香噴噴軟嫩滑口的美食配上一碗熱熱的白飯真是美味Braised Pork Belly.Soft tender, smooth, and fragrant.
Walnut Waffle (Blueberries)..  nutritious and healthy.  核桃松饼(蓝莓)… 營養又健康.适合当早餐和下午茶最好的点心。
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Walnut Waffle (Blueberries).. nutritious and healthy. 核桃松饼(蓝莓)… 營養又健康.适合当早餐和下午茶最好的点心。
Creamy Broccoli Soup...Drinking a bowl of hot soup is nutritious healthy. 西兰花浓汤...早上喝一碗熱熱的浓汤營養又健康
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Creamy Broccoli Soup...Drinking a bowl of hot soup is nutritious healthy. 西兰花浓汤...早上喝一碗熱熱的浓汤營養又健康
Peach Cake Roll -- An easy to make dessert that will please both children and adults.水蜜桃蛋糕捲,,大人小孩都喜歡
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Peach Cake Roll -- An easy to make dessert that will please both children and adults.水蜜桃蛋糕捲,,大人小孩都喜歡
清蒸龍蝦-是宴客的好料理.好吃又好看SteamedLobsterThis is a good dish for parties delicious beautiful and easy to cook
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清蒸龍蝦-是宴客的好料理.好吃又好看SteamedLobsterThis is a good dish for parties delicious beautiful and easy to cook
三色蛋是容易製作的餐點大人小孩子喜歡Threecolor Egg An easy to make meal that will be liked by both children and adults
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三色蛋是容易製作的餐點大人小孩子喜歡Threecolor Egg An easy to make meal that will be liked by both children and adults
Zucchini Muffins西葫芦松饼Delicious, beautiful, simple and easy to make, both baked and pan-fried好吃簡單方便製作
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Zucchini Muffins西葫芦松饼Delicious, beautiful, simple and easy to make, both baked and pan-fried好吃簡單方便製作