小白和梅西给爸爸买瓶白酒和猪脚吃!Xiaobai and Messi bought a bottle of liquor and pig's feet for their father to eat!
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小白和梅西给爸爸买瓶白酒和猪脚吃!Xiaobai and Messi bought a bottle of liquor and pig's feet for their father to eat!
小白爸爸来到广州看望玉米妹,梅西出钱给爸爸买衣服鞋子!Dad came to Guangzhou, Messi bought clothes and shoes for Dad!
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小白爸爸来到广州看望玉米妹,梅西出钱给爸爸买衣服鞋子!Dad came to Guangzhou, Messi bought clothes and shoes for Dad!
小白送妈妈金项链Xiaobai gave Messi's mother  4500RMB gold necklace! Fans praise Xiaobai for not being stingy
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白送妈妈金项链Xiaobai gave Messi's mother 4500RMB gold necklace! Fans praise Xiaobai for not being stingy
Xiaobai plans to go back to Africa at the end of the month to talk to Messi's mother about marriage.
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai plans to go back to Africa at the end of the month to talk to Messi's mother about marriage.
小白今天和玉米妹拍婚纱照啦~!今天梅西美不美?Xiaobai took wedding photos with Corn Girl today! Is Messi beautiful today?
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白今天和玉米妹拍婚纱照啦~!今天梅西美不美?Xiaobai took wedding photos with Corn Girl today! Is Messi beautiful today?
粉丝不想看小白,只喜欢看梅西!小白走一边去!Fans don't want to watch Xiaobai, they just like to watch Messi! Go away!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝不想看小白,只喜欢看梅西!小白走一边去!Fans don't want to watch Xiaobai, they just like to watch Messi! Go away!
梅西偷偷和哥哥姐姐说~我爱小白!但是不能让他知道!Messi secretly said to fans ~ I love Xiaobai! But you can't let him know!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西偷偷和哥哥姐姐说~我爱小白!但是不能让他知道!Messi secretly said to fans ~ I love Xiaobai! But you can't let him know!
小白今天很开心~明天和梅西拍婚纱照!Xiaobai is very happy today~ Take wedding photos with Messi tomorrow!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白今天很开心~明天和梅西拍婚纱照!Xiaobai is very happy today~ Take wedding photos with Messi tomorrow!
小白心里拿不定主意~送回非洲还是带梅西去东北看雪?Send Messi back to Africa or go to Harbin to see the snow?
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白心里拿不定主意~送回非洲还是带梅西去东北看雪?Send Messi back to Africa or go to Harbin to see the snow?
Messi wants to go to Harbin to see the snow! But I don't want to take wedding photos with Xiaobai!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Messi wants to go to Harbin to see the snow! But I don't want to take wedding photos with Xiaobai!
小白和梅西关系有缓和!她同意给我生一男一女The relationship between Xiaobai and Messi has eased! Messi is very happy today
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西关系有缓和!她同意给我生一男一女The relationship between Xiaobai and Messi has eased! Messi is very happy today
梅西有选在的权利!小白心态转变!Messi has the right to choose! Xiaobai's mentality has changed!  Everything is fate!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西有选在的权利!小白心态转变!Messi has the right to choose! Xiaobai's mentality has changed! Everything is fate!
Many fans advised Xiaobai to end this relationship as soon as possible!Messi doesn't love you!!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Many fans advised Xiaobai to end this relationship as soon as possible!Messi doesn't love you!!
梅西保存了很多衣服皮包图片,准备让小白买!小白~Messi saves a lot of clothes, packs photos, and prepares for Xiaobai to buy!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西保存了很多衣服皮包图片,准备让小白买!小白~Messi saves a lot of clothes, packs photos, and prepares for Xiaobai to buy!
如果梅西在这10天回心转意,小白还是很爱她!If Messi changes his mind in these 10 days, Xiaobai still loves her very much!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
如果梅西在这10天回心转意,小白还是很爱她!If Messi changes his mind in these 10 days, Xiaobai still loves her very much!
Xiaobai knew that Messi and an Ethiopian man chatted late every day, and he was very disappointed!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai knew that Messi and an Ethiopian man chatted late every day, and he was very disappointed!
梅西现在虚荣心不听增强,小白有不可推卸的责任Messi's vanity is now enhanced, and Xiaobai has an unshirkable responsibility!
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梅西现在虚荣心不听增强,小白有不可推卸的责任Messi's vanity is now enhanced, and Xiaobai has an unshirkable responsibility!
Messi was on the phone with his friends, and he was disappointed to be heard by Xiaobai~ I'm an ATM!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Messi was on the phone with his friends, and he was disappointed to be heard by Xiaobai~ I'm an ATM!
小白带梅西去珠宝店买黄金戒指!Xiaobai took Messi to the jewelry store to buy a gold ring!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白带梅西去珠宝店买黄金戒指!Xiaobai took Messi to the jewelry store to buy a gold ring!
小白带梅西买一些礼物带回埃塞俄比亚!!Little white belt Messi to buy some gifts to take back to Ethiopia!!
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小白带梅西买一些礼物带回埃塞俄比亚!!Little white belt Messi to buy some gifts to take back to Ethiopia!!
不怪别人!也许是我自己太傻太笨!!Don't blame anyone else! Maybe I'm too stupid and stupid!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
不怪别人!也许是我自己太傻太笨!!Don't blame anyone else! Maybe I'm too stupid and stupid!
越来越多的中国男人找不到老婆,小白让梅西更多的女同学都来嫁给中国人!Xiaobai asked more of Messi's female classmates to marry Chinese!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
越来越多的中国男人找不到老婆,小白让梅西更多的女同学都来嫁给中国人!Xiaobai asked more of Messi's female classmates to marry Chinese!
很多中国粉丝都拜托梅西帮忙找一个非洲女朋友!Many Chinese fans have asked Messi to help find an Ethiopian girlfriend!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
很多中国粉丝都拜托梅西帮忙找一个非洲女朋友!Many Chinese fans have asked Messi to help find an Ethiopian girlfriend!
小白不敢教梅西更多中文,担心她和其他男人结婚!Xiaobai didn't dare to teach Messi more Chinese, why is this?!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白不敢教梅西更多中文,担心她和其他男人结婚!Xiaobai didn't dare to teach Messi more Chinese, why is this?!
小白和梅西在老家和粉丝们聊聊天I haven't seen you for a long time, Xiaobai and Messi are chatting with fans at home!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西在老家和粉丝们聊聊天I haven't seen you for a long time, Xiaobai and Messi are chatting with fans at home!
梅西妈妈出车祸我们赶回去看望妈妈Sorry, Mama Messi had  car accident! We rushed back to Ethiopia to visit our mother!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西妈妈出车祸我们赶回去看望妈妈Sorry, Mama Messi had car accident! We rushed back to Ethiopia to visit our mother!
梅西快过22岁生日了,小白明天给她准备了一个惊喜!Messi is almost 22nd birthday, Xiaobai has a surprise for her tomorrow!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西快过22岁生日了,小白明天给她准备了一个惊喜!Messi is almost 22nd birthday, Xiaobai has a surprise for her tomorrow!
今晚梅西一人逛街!天气凉了,小白给她买一条新裤子!The weather is cold, buy Messi a new pair of pants tonight!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
今晚梅西一人逛街!天气凉了,小白给她买一条新裤子!The weather is cold, buy Messi a new pair of pants tonight!
Ruoxi invites Xiaobai and Messi to live in her homestay! Invite her to work at the same time!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Ruoxi invites Xiaobai and Messi to live in her homestay! Invite her to work at the same time!
小白请若熙在高级餐厅吃牛排!梅西第一次来这种地方!Xiaobai and Messi invite fans Ruoxi to eat steak at a high-end restaurant!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白请若熙在高级餐厅吃牛排!梅西第一次来这种地方!Xiaobai and Messi invite fans Ruoxi to eat steak at a high-end restaurant!
若熙花很多钱给梅西刷礼物小白请她吃饭表达谢意Ruoxi spent a lot of money to support Messi, and Xiaobai invited her to dinner
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
若熙花很多钱给梅西刷礼物小白请她吃饭表达谢意Ruoxi spent a lot of money to support Messi, and Xiaobai invited her to dinner
Fans learned that Ruoxi didn't have a boyfriend, and they all rushed to express their love#小白#梅西#玉米妹
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Fans learned that Ruoxi didn't have a boyfriend, and they all rushed to express their love#小白#梅西#玉米妹
粉丝若熙和梅西一起逛街!小白让梅西多介绍朋友嫁给中国人,改善足球基因!Beautiful female fans go shopping with Messi!#小白#梅西#玉米妹#
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝若熙和梅西一起逛街!小白让梅西多介绍朋友嫁给中国人,改善足球基因!Beautiful female fans go shopping with Messi!#小白#梅西#玉米妹#
小白计划结婚后和梅西生3个孩子!Xiaobai plans to have 3 children with Messi after getting married!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白计划结婚后和梅西生3个孩子!Xiaobai plans to have 3 children with Messi after getting married!
Messi spent an extra 50RMB on papaya for the first time, and was deceived by his grandmother!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Messi spent an extra 50RMB on papaya for the first time, and was deceived by his grandmother!
梅西学会撒娇啦,小白计划带她去哈尔滨看雪景和冰雕Xiaobai plans to take Messi to Harbin to see ice sculptures and snow scenes!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西学会撒娇啦,小白计划带她去哈尔滨看雪景和冰雕Xiaobai plans to take Messi to Harbin to see ice sculptures and snow scenes!
Xiaobai invited Messi to eat hot pot again, and the proprietress turned out to be her fan!#小白#梅西#玉米妹
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai invited Messi to eat hot pot again, and the proprietress turned out to be her fan!#小白#梅西#玉米妹
梅西终于和梦寐以求的熊猫合影!Messi finally took a photo with the panda and wanted to go to Harbin to see the snow!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西终于和梦寐以求的熊猫合影!Messi finally took a photo with the panda and wanted to go to Harbin to see the snow!
小白和梅西去动物园看熊猫~!Xiaobai and Messi go to the zoo to see the pandas!#小白#梅西#玉米妹#Xiaobai#Messi#Corn Girl
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小白和梅西去动物园看熊猫~!Xiaobai and Messi go to the zoo to see the pandas!#小白#梅西#玉米妹#Xiaobai#Messi#Corn Girl
Xiaobai bought Messi's favorite car at a satisfactory price~ Eat instant noodles to celebrate!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai bought Messi's favorite car at a satisfactory price~ Eat instant noodles to celebrate!
小白全款购买斯柯达The car owner asked Xiaobai to see a better car~ Skoda, Messi likes to buy 9200RMB in full.
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白全款购买斯柯达The car owner asked Xiaobai to see a better car~ Skoda, Messi likes to buy 9200RMB in full.
小白说梅西在中国吃胖20斤!Xiaobai said that Messi eats 20 pounds in China!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白说梅西在中国吃胖20斤!Xiaobai said that Messi eats 20 pounds in China!
小白花8.8万买车,奖励梅西两只小乌龟!Xiaobai spent 8800RMB to buy a car and gave Messi two little turtles as a reward
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白花8.8万买车,奖励梅西两只小乌龟!Xiaobai spent 8800RMB to buy a car and gave Messi two little turtles as a reward
小白和梅西5天后去买五菱宏光车!Xiaobai and Messi went to buy Wuling Hongguang cars 5 days later!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西5天后去买五菱宏光车!Xiaobai and Messi went to buy Wuling Hongguang cars 5 days later!
Xiaobai made a down payment of 10,000 RMB and a loan of 15,000 yuan to buy Wuling Hongguang!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai made a down payment of 10,000 RMB and a loan of 15,000 yuan to buy Wuling Hongguang!
梅西喜欢2.5万元的五菱宏光Messi likes the 25,000RMB Wuling Hongguang. Will a novice who is out of budget buy it?
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西喜欢2.5万元的五菱宏光Messi likes the 25,000RMB Wuling Hongguang. Will a novice who is out of budget buy it?
Xiaobai passed by the hospital and wanted to take Messi in to check if she was pregnant with a baby!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai passed by the hospital and wanted to take Messi in to check if she was pregnant with a baby!
Messi likes to eat sour food in China, and Chinese fans say that she is pregnant and send blessings!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Messi likes to eat sour food in China, and Chinese fans say that she is pregnant and send blessings!
小白付25200万RMB买车,老板会卖吗?!Xiaobai pays 25200RMB to buy a car, will the boss sell it?!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白付25200万RMB买车,老板会卖吗?!Xiaobai pays 25200RMB to buy a car, will the boss sell it?!
小白和梅西去二手车市场买车!Xiaobai and Messi went to the second-hand car market to buy a car!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西去二手车市场买车!Xiaobai and Messi went to the second-hand car market to buy a car!
梅西中文进步很大,今晚做牛肉火锅给小白吃!Messi's Chinese has improved a lot, making beef hot pot for Xiaobai to eat!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西中文进步很大,今晚做牛肉火锅给小白吃!Messi's Chinese has improved a lot, making beef hot pot for Xiaobai to eat!
梅西喜欢中国,签证到期也不想回埃塞俄比亚!Messi likes China and doesn't want to go back to Ethiopia!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西喜欢中国,签证到期也不想回埃塞俄比亚!Messi likes China and doesn't want to go back to Ethiopia!
小白想买一部2手车带着梅西走遍中国!Xiaobai wants to buy a 2-hand car and take Messi all over China!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白想买一部2手车带着梅西走遍中国!Xiaobai wants to buy a 2-hand car and take Messi all over China!
Xiaobai shows fans the rented house! Living together in different beds, respecting Messi's beliefs!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai shows fans the rented house! Living together in different beds, respecting Messi's beliefs!
粉丝林妹妹和梅西一起逛街吃美食,梅西又多了一个新朋友!小白很开心!Fan Sister Lin and Messi went shopping and ate food together!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝林妹妹和梅西一起逛街吃美食,梅西又多了一个新朋友!小白很开心!Fan Sister Lin and Messi went shopping and ate food together!
小刘没有工作,一天没吃饭,小白都惊呆了!Xiao Liu didn't have a job and didn't eat for a day, Xiaobai was stunned!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小刘没有工作,一天没吃饭,小白都惊呆了!Xiao Liu didn't have a job and didn't eat for a day, Xiaobai was stunned!
小白和梅西请粉丝小刘吃晚饭!只能下次回非洲才能带他去埃塞俄比亚找女朋友!Xiaobai and Messi invited fans Xiao Liu to dinner!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西请粉丝小刘吃晚饭!只能下次回非洲才能带他去埃塞俄比亚找女朋友!Xiaobai and Messi invited fans Xiao Liu to dinner!
小白和梅西在广州租房子,400元一个月!Xiaobai and Messi rent a good house in Guangzhou, 400 yuan a month!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西在广州租房子,400元一个月!Xiaobai and Messi rent a good house in Guangzhou, 400 yuan a month!
中国粉丝告诉小白不要轻易对别人承诺。如果做不到会影响信誉!Fans told Xiaobai not to easily promise others to find an African wife!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
中国粉丝告诉小白不要轻易对别人承诺。如果做不到会影响信誉!Fans told Xiaobai not to easily promise others to find an African wife!
粉丝看见小白和梅西,他也想找一个埃塞尔比亚老婆!When fans saw Xiaobai and Messi, he also wanted to find an Ethiopian wife!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝看见小白和梅西,他也想找一个埃塞尔比亚老婆!When fans saw Xiaobai and Messi, he also wanted to find an Ethiopian wife!
小白请梅西吃烤羊肉串!但是梅西还是喜欢吃牛排!Xiaobai invited Messi to eat kebabs! But Messi still likes to eat steak
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白请梅西吃烤羊肉串!但是梅西还是喜欢吃牛排!Xiaobai invited Messi to eat kebabs! But Messi still likes to eat steak
小白和梅西安全到达广州!今天请梅西吃牛排!Xiaobai and Messi arrived in Guangzhou safely! Treat Messi to a steak today!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西安全到达广州!今天请梅西吃牛排!Xiaobai and Messi arrived in Guangzhou safely! Treat Messi to a steak today!
春节小白就要和梅西结婚,今天她们进城给父母买衣服和食物!During the Spring Festival of 2024, Xiaobai and Messi got married!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
春节小白就要和梅西结婚,今天她们进城给父母买衣服和食物!During the Spring Festival of 2024, Xiaobai and Messi got married!
小白和梅西准备再次去广州!Xiaobai and Messi are ready to go to Guangzhou again! The house was built by Dad!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西准备再次去广州!Xiaobai and Messi are ready to go to Guangzhou again! The house was built by Dad!
Messi came to China from far away Africa, and Xiaobai will be 100% good to her! Catch dolls with her
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Messi came to China from far away Africa, and Xiaobai will be 100% good to her! Catch dolls with her
Xiaobai and Messi eat buffet hot pot. She is very happy to catch the doll after drinking enough!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai and Messi eat buffet hot pot. She is very happy to catch the doll after drinking enough!
小白和梅西从广州回到吉安老家!Xiaobai and Messi returned to Ji'an from Guangzhou, and 75 -year -old fans liked him!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西从广州回到吉安老家!Xiaobai and Messi returned to Ji'an from Guangzhou, and 75 -year -old fans liked him!
Many fans support Xiaobai and ask him to be nice to Messi! Xiaobai must live up to expectations!!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Many fans support Xiaobai and ask him to be nice to Messi! Xiaobai must live up to expectations!!
衣服太贵梅西想退掉!小白会同意吗?!The clothes are too expensive, and Messi wants to return! Will Xiaobai agree?!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
衣服太贵梅西想退掉!小白会同意吗?!The clothes are too expensive, and Messi wants to return! Will Xiaobai agree?!
今晚3点回家小白带梅西买品牌衣服Take the bus home at 3 o'clock tonight. Xiaobai belt Messi spent 1995RMB to buy Nike
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
今晚3点回家小白带梅西买品牌衣服Take the bus home at 3 o'clock tonight. Xiaobai belt Messi spent 1995RMB to buy Nike
Fans don't let Messi go to cause misunderstanding! Xiaobai decided to return 3000RMB to fans!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Fans don't let Messi go to cause misunderstanding! Xiaobai decided to return 3000RMB to fans!
粉丝姐姐请梅西和小白回家做客做饭给他们吃The fan's sister invited Messi and Xiaobai to come home as guests! Cook for them
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝姐姐请梅西和小白回家做客做饭给他们吃The fan's sister invited Messi and Xiaobai to come home as guests! Cook for them
粉丝见梅西和小白送的礼物很激动!Fans don't accept gifts from Messi, she doesn't want to spend money for nothing!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝见梅西和小白送的礼物很激动!Fans don't accept gifts from Messi, she doesn't want to spend money for nothing!
Xiaobai and Messi will go back to Jiangxi tomorrow, and buy gifts tonight to thank the fan sister!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Xiaobai and Messi will go back to Jiangxi tomorrow, and buy gifts tonight to thank the fan sister!
梅西恋恋不舍和粉丝分开,小白计划明天买一些礼物去看望粉丝!Xiaobai pays for the barbecue. Messi is reluctant to part with fans!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西恋恋不舍和粉丝分开,小白计划明天买一些礼物去看望粉丝!Xiaobai pays for the barbecue. Messi is reluctant to part with fans!
粉丝送梅西新鞋,还请她吃中国烧烤!Fans gave Messi new shoes and invited her to eat Chinese barbecue!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝送梅西新鞋,还请她吃中国烧烤!Fans gave Messi new shoes and invited her to eat Chinese barbecue!
粉丝偶遇梅西很开心,除了请她吃水果,还送梅西一部华为手机Fans were very happy to meet Messi and gave Messi a Huawei mobile phone!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
粉丝偶遇梅西很开心,除了请她吃水果,还送梅西一部华为手机Fans were very happy to meet Messi and gave Messi a Huawei mobile phone!
小白逛街看见新疆馕饼,买给梅西品尝!Xiaobai went shopping and saw Xinjiang flatbread and bought it for Messi to taste!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白逛街看见新疆馕饼,买给梅西品尝!Xiaobai went shopping and saw Xinjiang flatbread and bought it for Messi to taste!
姐姐阿姨认为小白点餐牛肉太少了,但是梅西已经吃饱!Fans think that Xiaobai orders too little beef, but Messi is already full!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
姐姐阿姨认为小白点餐牛肉太少了,但是梅西已经吃饱!Fans think that Xiaobai orders too little beef, but Messi is already full!
梅西签证成功,小白开心请吃四川火锅Messi's visa was successful, and Xiaobai happily invited her to eat Sichuan hot pot
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西签证成功,小白开心请吃四川火锅Messi's visa was successful, and Xiaobai happily invited her to eat Sichuan hot pot
小白和梅西已经回到酒店!吃了感冒药身体舒服很多!Xiaobai and Messi have returned to the hotel! It's another fun day!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西已经回到酒店!吃了感冒药身体舒服很多!Xiaobai and Messi have returned to the hotel! It's another fun day!
小白明天可以拿到梅西签证,给她买橘子和芒果!Xiaobai can get a Messi visa tomorrow and buy her oranges and mangoes!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白明天可以拿到梅西签证,给她买橘子和芒果!Xiaobai can get a Messi visa tomorrow and buy her oranges and mangoes!
梅西换环境身体不适应感冒了!小白很担心...Messi is sick and has a cold! Xiaobai is worried...
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西换环境身体不适应感冒了!小白很担心...Messi is sick and has a cold! Xiaobai is worried...
小白梅西广州塔拍照留念!Xiaobai took a photo with Messi Canton Tower, and Messi hugged him tightly in his arms!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白梅西广州塔拍照留念!Xiaobai took a photo with Messi Canton Tower, and Messi hugged him tightly in his arms!
小白带梅西来广州塔欣赏美丽的夜景!梅西很喜欢不想回酒店Xiaobai and Messi came to Canton Tower to enjoy the beautiful night view!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白带梅西来广州塔欣赏美丽的夜景!梅西很喜欢不想回酒店Xiaobai and Messi came to Canton Tower to enjoy the beautiful night view!
小白给梅西买了新衣服,被粉丝看见热情打招呼!Xiaobai bought Messi new clothes, and was greeted warmly by fans!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白给梅西买了新衣服,被粉丝看见热情打招呼!Xiaobai bought Messi new clothes, and was greeted warmly by fans!
祝愿梅西成功拿到签证,祝他们幸福美满,早日结婚I wish Messi a successful visa, and I wish them happiness and early marriage!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
祝愿梅西成功拿到签证,祝他们幸福美满,早日结婚I wish Messi a successful visa, and I wish them happiness and early marriage!
小白为梅西点一份牛排,自己不舍得吃,却在吃红薯!Xiaobai ordered a steak for Messi, but Xiaobai ate sweet potatoes!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白为梅西点一份牛排,自己不舍得吃,却在吃红薯!Xiaobai ordered a steak for Messi, but Xiaobai ate sweet potatoes!
小白很务实和梅西住80元的酒店!Xiaobai thriftily lives in a hotel of 80 yuan, there is no waste! Messi supports him
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白很务实和梅西住80元的酒店!Xiaobai thriftily lives in a hotel of 80 yuan, there is no waste! Messi supports him
小白梅西安全抵达广州Xiaobai and Messi arrived safely in Guangzhou and took her out to buy fruit in the evening
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白梅西安全抵达广州Xiaobai and Messi arrived safely in Guangzhou and took her out to buy fruit in the evening
梅西学会用筷子吃饭。但还是不习惯中国食物!Messi learns to eat with chopsticks. But I'm still not used to Chinese food!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西学会用筷子吃饭。但还是不习惯中国食物!Messi learns to eat with chopsticks. But I'm still not used to Chinese food!
房子已经铲平,明天小白带梅西去广州!粉丝要请客吃饭!Tomorrow Xiaobai will take Messi to Guangzhou! Fans want to have a meal!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
房子已经铲平,明天小白带梅西去广州!粉丝要请客吃饭!Tomorrow Xiaobai will take Messi to Guangzhou! Fans want to have a meal!
梅西后天和小白去广州续约签证。The day after tomorrow, Messi and Xiaobai went to Guangzhou to renew their visas.
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西后天和小白去广州续约签证。The day after tomorrow, Messi and Xiaobai went to Guangzhou to renew their visas.
春节小白和梅西结婚啦!During the Chinese New Year, Xiaobai is about to marry Messi!Thank you for your blessings
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
春节小白和梅西结婚啦!During the Chinese New Year, Xiaobai is about to marry Messi!Thank you for your blessings
梅西家族有信仰不能吃猪肉,没结婚不能和小白一起睡觉!Messi can't eat pork, and he can't sleep with Xiaobai if he's not married!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
梅西家族有信仰不能吃猪肉,没结婚不能和小白一起睡觉!Messi can't eat pork, and he can't sleep with Xiaobai if he's not married!
Fans hope that Xiaobai will sell more goods, make more money, and chat less. But Xiaobai said so!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Fans hope that Xiaobai will sell more goods, make more money, and chat less. But Xiaobai said so!
小白给梅西戴戒指她毫不犹豫就伸出手Xiaobai put a ring on Messi, and she didn't hesitate to reach out her hand!blessing
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白给梅西戴戒指她毫不犹豫就伸出手Xiaobai put a ring on Messi, and she didn't hesitate to reach out her hand!blessing
小白和梅西办好证件回到农村,爸爸已经开始拆房子!Messi finished the documents and Xiaobai went home to repair the house!
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
小白和梅西办好证件回到农村,爸爸已经开始拆房子!Messi finished the documents and Xiaobai went home to repair the house!
Fans are very happy to meet Xiaobai and Messi when they go shopping!粉丝逛街街遇见小白和梅西请求拍照留念#Xiaobai#Messi
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
Fans are very happy to meet Xiaobai and Messi when they go shopping!粉丝逛街街遇见小白和梅西请求拍照留念#Xiaobai#Messi
很多粉丝都笑话小白没有梅西高,今天吃完火锅一起比身高!Many brothers and sisters laugh at Xiaobai for not being as tall as Messi
Foreign wife in China小白和梅西
很多粉丝都笑话小白没有梅西高,今天吃完火锅一起比身高!Many brothers and sisters laugh at Xiaobai for not being as tall as Messi